EV / Hybrid Vehicle Dismantling Resources
ARC held an EV Roundtable with invited stakeholders in late March 2023. The event was summarized HERE.
ARC completed a project in late 2022 with Natural Resources Canada to produce an EV Industry Roadmap. The document highlights the industry’s current knowledge and use of EV’s along with the gaps that exist that need to be addressed.
The Automotive Retailers Association and their BC Auto Recyclers Division have released their EVFriendly Program to train and certify the Automotive Recycling Industry.
The BC Auto Recyclers Division, in partnership with WorkSafeBC, have also developed health and safety guidelinesfor the safe handling of electric vehicles and high voltage batteries.
The Automotive Recyclers Association (ARA) have updated their Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Technology Guide. This Guide will train your team to safely process potentially dangerous material and avoid the hazards they create so they can make the best choices when dismantling these vehicles in your facility! You can access the Guide here – ARA University.

The Suppliers Partnership for the Environment (SP) Responsible Battery Work Group provides a forum for automakers and suppliers to work together to advance responsible management of advanced vehicle batteries. SP has collected a variety of publicly available resources that may be helpful to recyclers, re-purposers and other stakeholders seeking additional information regarding proper handling and disposal of end-of-life electric vehicle (EV) batteries. You can access this resource here – Suppliers Partnership.
In July 2023, SP produced a Guidance Document: EV Battery Safe Handling and Storage, in a collaborative effort to enhance safety measures and promote responsible handling of electric vehicle (EV) batteries.
The Automotive Career Development Center has posted three Salvage Yard Series virtual training resources here – https://www.fixhybrid.com/recorded-webinars.
I-CAR has courses available to help your shops and recyclers repair EVs safely and properly – https://info.i-car.com/electric-vehicles.
The National Fire Protection Association has courses for first responders that have good relevancy for auto recyclers – https://www.nfpa.org/EV.
The NFPA also has a good summary of the OEM Emergency Response Guides generated for First Responders, which is some of the critical base information to begin to understand the risks of dismantling a vehicle.
ISRI (Institute for Scrap Recycling Industries) has developed High Voltage Electric Vehicle Technology Training For Recycling Professionals – https://evsafetytraining.talentlms.com/index
Electric Vehicle Rescue App for your mobile device with great information and organization of EV Emergency Response Guides relevant for dismantlers.
Contact ARC
134 Langarth Street East
London, ON N6C 1Z5